This story has a special place in my heart. Miriam was a spoiled brat in His Brother’s Wife, and when that book was finished, so—I believed—was Miriam’s story.
But characters have a funny way of lurking in the back of an author’s brain, growing and maturing, until the day comes when they are fully developed.
And when that day comes, the author is first blindsided, and then obsessed. This character is real and ready, and woe betide the author who doesn’t do their part!
All the while as I wrote other books in a different genre, there was Miriam, waiting patiently (and then not-so-patiently) for me to find her A Man to Marry. A good one, who did not care about her spoiled youth, a man determined enough, firm enough, to stand up to her father.
Miriam’s man had long needed a wife. I had another woman in mind for Kemuel, but the two would not come together. No amount of wheedling would make that couple a pair.
So dive into the tale of Miriam and Kemuel, the most unexpected romance ever!

“Simple family drama with a taste of suspense.
“A great read! Mary Ellen Boyd’s books never disappoint.” – reader review
Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon, and in Kindle Unlimited.