Going Wide

For years, Amazon was the perfect place for me. I loved being exclusive, loved the perks. And to be frank, loved the money. However, over the years, Kindle Unlimited seemed to be skewed toward the fast writers, the book-a-month authors who could put out 10-12 books a...

Gluten free Bread

This is a wild divergence from my usual writing blogs, but I hope equally helpful. Several years ago I got very ill from wheat, one of many who suddenly cannot eat it any longer. I survived for a while without bread, but finally I began to crave it. After reading...

Authors are Human, too

I probably jumped the gun on my Facebook page when I put up my upcoming book and labelled it “coming soon.” At that point, I had received the proof copy from Createspace and it was on the way to my Editor. However, editing, if done right (and she does it...

Why Join Kindle Select

Early in my blogging, I believed, and I think I even mentioned it, that to join Kindle Select there was a minimum lowest price you had to have for your novel. Someone recently corrected me, and I am so grateful! My misunderstanding was caused by the minimum price for...

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