by Mary Ellen Boyd | Nov 22, 2016 | Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Select, Smashwords
Early in my blogging, I believed, and I think I even mentioned it, that to join Kindle Select there was a minimum lowest price you had to have for your novel. Someone recently corrected me, and I am so grateful! My misunderstanding was caused by the minimum price for...
by Mary Ellen Boyd | Jul 30, 2016 | Amazon, Createspace, introduction, Kindle
It just came to my attention today that I never put in how to find where to start. The very very beginning. You have written a book. Doesn’t matter which kind. And you want someone to read it, and you’re willing to do it yourself. Start by going to Amazon....
by Mary Ellen Boyd | Jun 22, 2016 | Amazon
Reading reviews can be tough. Particularly when you’ve done all the research, spent months, years even, checking facts before writing, and then checking again as you write. I just got a review I feel I must respond to. Someone just raised a number of biblical...
by Mary Ellen Boyd | Jun 22, 2016 | Amazon
I wrote earlier about how Amazon works to help their authors succeed, and yesterday I had another graphic illustration of what they do. I was going through my emails and suddenly, from Amazon, I saw in the subject line “Fortune’s Flower.” At first I...
by Mary Ellen Boyd | Jun 22, 2016 | Amazon, Kindle
When I posted my newest book, FORTUNE’S FLOWER, I was surprised and thrilled to have a 5-star review within 48 hours. The reviewer was delightful and generous, and I am sorely tempted to print it out and put it above my computer as inspiration. That review,...
by Mary Ellen Boyd | Jun 22, 2016 | Amazon, introduction
Years ago when I first started writing, I picked Biblical accounts because that was my interest and passion. However, back then publishers weren’t buying and my agent requested I try something else. She mentioned the Regency era, which at the time I knew very...