Why Join Kindle Select

Early in my blogging, I believed, and I think I even mentioned it, that to join Kindle Select there was a minimum lowest price you had to have for your novel. Someone recently corrected me, and I am so grateful! My misunderstanding was caused by the minimum price for...

Research, Writing and Reviewers

Reading reviews can be tough. Particularly when you’ve done all the research, spent months, years even, checking facts before writing, and then checking again as you write. I just got a review I feel I must respond to. Someone just raised a number of biblical...

Amazon Surprise

I wrote earlier about how Amazon works to help their authors succeed, and yesterday I had another graphic illustration of what they do. I was going through my emails and suddenly, from Amazon, I saw in the subject line “Fortune’s Flower.” At first I...

Frustrating Reviewers

When I posted my newest book, FORTUNE’S FLOWER, I was surprised and thrilled to have a 5-star review within 48 hours. The reviewer was delightful and generous, and I am sorely tempted to print it out and put it above my computer as inspiration. That review,...

My Third Book is Out!

Years ago when I first started writing, I picked Biblical accounts because that was my interest and passion. However, back then publishers weren’t buying and my agent requested I try something else. She mentioned the Regency era, which at the time I knew very...

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