This book went through a bunch of versions before it got to its final form. In fact, it had so many revisions and rewrites and redos that it’s hard to remember where it started!
When I was ready to move into my first time-travel romance, I remembered one ending from among all those versions, an ending I liked so well that I specifically looked for it as I went through the line of documents, each a different iteration of my work on writing a time-travel romance. (Thank goodness I had tried out several different titles, too, for each one, or my job would have been much more time-consuming!)
Once I found that ending, I knew I could figure out what to keep of the first part. This book was one of the easier ones to write, and maybe because I had done so many versions of it.
I had fun writing Grace’s confusion and her fear that this was all a delusion caused by injury in a tornado. The tornado part was plucked from my own experience with one. The 2011 tornado went right past my house, less than a block away.
Our house was relatively unscathed, but the tornado, mild as it was, left scars on the city that still survive. You can still see the path when you drive through North Minneapolis. My city is full of trees, and those killed by the tornado were quickly replaced by new young ones, but those stand out in vivid reminder against the mature trees that escaped the tornado’s wrath.
As far as those titles I found on the old computer, I still have the other versions of this book, and they are all different enough that I have enough material for several more time-travel romances. In fact, one of them has already been used: Time for a Viscount.

“One of the best time-travel romances I’ve read” – reader review
“Captivating. Beautifully written from the beginning to the end” – Amazon review
“Love is more important than central heating!” – delightful reader review
” couldn’t put it down and had to read to the end, By the end of the book I was in tears.” – reader review
Available on Amazon in ebook and paperback